Theodor-Storm-House in Husum
Wasserreihe 31
25813 Husum
Telephone 0 48 41 / 66 62 70

The visitor will find the house of the great Husumer poet, a former merchant house in its original state just as Theodor Storm lived in it from 1866 to 1880.
To be seen are furniture, paintings and documents of the inheritance; among others the original manuscripts of 'Pole Poppenspäler', 'Immensee', 'Der Schimmelreiter' and other works as well as the poets private Bibliotheca.
The Storm house, houses also the extensive Storm-archive and the office of the Thedor-Storm-Society.
Changing exhibitions and events with special themes are taking place the whole year round.
Opening Times :
April - October
Mondays from 2pm - 5pm
Tuesday to Friday from 10am - 12noon and from 2pm - 5pm
Saturday and Sunday from 2pm - 5pm
November to March
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 2pm - 5pm
Groups by appointment.