
Fliesenlegermeister Wolfgang Nissen

Fliesenlegermeister Wolfgang Nissen

Our services

  • Alle Arten von Fliesenarbeiten
  • Neubau-. Renovierungs- und Sanierungsarbeiten
  • Fliesen und Natursteine


Während der Bauarbeiten haben Sie die Möglichkeit unser mobiles Badezimmer zu nutzen.

Your advantages

  • Fliesenlegermeister

  • Badrenovierung

  • Kompetente Beratung

  • Professionelle Planung

  • Mobiles Badezimmer

  • Kompetenz aus Meisterhand

Short information

Fliesenlegermeister Wolfgang Nissen aus Viöl.

Seit 10 Jahren Ihr kompetenter Partner für Neubau, Umbau und Renovierung.

Visit Us

You will find us here:

Eichenring 39

D - 25884 Viöl

phone: +49 (0) 4843 205586
Fax: +49 04843 205587
Mobile: +49 0174 9363748

Write to us

Get in touch

PRIVACY NOTICE With the above consent, you agree that we may use your information to respond to your inquiry or contact you. We will not use it for any other purpose or pass it on to third parties. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. In the event of revocation, your data will be deleted immediately. Otherwise, your data will be deleted when we have processed your request or the purpose of storage has ceased to apply. You can obtain information about the data stored about you at any time. Further information on this and on data protection can also be found in the privacy policy of this website.

Who we are

May we introduce ourselves?

  • Wolfgang Nissen
    Wolfgang Nissen
    Fliesenlegermeister phone: +49 (0) 4843 - 20 55 86
    Mobile: +49 (0) 174 - 93 63 748
    bei mir sind Ihre Fliesen in guten Händen
Fliesenlegermeister Wolfgang Nissen
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